Know Your Villains: Magneto

Max Eisenhardt, (formerly Eric Magnus Lehnsherr) , is a rather complex character with quite an extensive history within the Marvel/X-Men landscape. Magneto is synonymous with X-Men and why not, he was, after all, their first and most enduring villain.
Born in Germany to a Jewish family, Max was captured by the Nazi and placed in a concentration camp along with members of his family, friends, and the girl that he would eventually marry and have children. During his internment, his powers manifested. After much hardship that taxed his resourcefulness he was able to escape and start a new life. That did not last for long as tragedy struck ending with the loss of his family. The horrors of the holocaust along with losing his wife and first child began Max’s path to Magneto. The years that followed saw Max travelling the world and keeping a low profile until he encountered a man by the name of Charles Xavier whilst in Egypt.

Charles discovered that Max was a mutant and revealed that he himself was one also. They very quickly became fast friends, discovering they share a lot in common from intellectual conversations to bar fights. They both shared a dream of a perfect world for their kind however they disagreed on the path to getting there. Magneto was essentially the Malcolm X to Xavier’s Martin Luther King Jr.

Magneto believed that mutants, being the next step in human evolution should inherit the earth. With his view that mutants need not suffer under human hatred and oppression, Magneto took a militant stance creating the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The Brotherhood, a terrorist organisation,  consisted of Mutants hand picked by Magneto and even included his twin children Pietro (Quicksilver) and Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) , whom he rescued from certain death at the hands of angry villagers and who joined him out of gratitude neither aware of their relation to the master of magnetism nor him to them (very long story).

The years have seen Magneto go through myriad changes but he always felt that human nature made Xavier’s dream of peaceful coexistence impossible.

Magneto has fought alongside the X-Men almost as much as he fought against them, even reaching as far as leading them. Recent years have seen further growth in his character. Magneto has acknowledged his errors and his sins yet although markedly less militant he remain steadfast in his ideals.

Within the incredible span of Marvel publications Magneto has displayed tremendous power and accomplished amazing feats enough to fill a book in his own right. A few of such feats and abilities are as follows:

Magneto has comprehensive control over all forms of magnetism. His control has given him the ability to affect the geology of a planet. He has been shown to move mountains and change the course of rivers.

Magneto can manipulate all forms of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum but that comes at great effort.

Magneto’s forcefield can withstand a nuclear explosion, the might of the Avengers and the depths of space.

Magneto can manipulate the trace iron in organic matter

Along with flight and electromagnetic projections, Magneto can astral project, absorb lightning and has trained himself intensely to resist telepathy.

In terms of accomplishments:

Magneto managed to get the United Nations to recognise the island of Genosha as an independent state and he as its ruler. Genosha was home to millions of Mutants all governed by Magneto.

Magneto was a member of the elite Hellfire Club alongside Sebastian Shaw, as the White King.

Magneto was devolved into a baby by Alpha and was later regrown to adulthood by Erik the Red. This is why Magneto looks as young as he does despite his actual age.

He fought against Wolverine, Rogue and Gambit whilst locked in a mental battle against Jean Grey and Professor X. During that fight he was gutted by Wolverine which resulted in him ripping the adamantium out of him. Xavier in turn wiped Magneto’s mind completely out of anger thus setting the stage for the Infamous Onslaught saga.

In a fight against Iron man during the Avengers vs X-Men story arc, Magneto hijacked Stark satalites to channel electromagnetism from Jupiter (don’t ask).

Magneto withstood a full on Nuclear attack, beat the crap out of the X-men and realigned the earth electromagnetic sphere.

As far as Magneto is concerned, this is but a mere fraction of the man presented here. He is indeed a rich and complex character never becoming ‘just’ a villain, he always represented more.

Totally Awesome Books You Should Be Reading in February

Once again it is February and chances are you might be trying to find a good book written by a black author. If you’re anything like me, you probably don’t like reading what everyone is reading. You enjoy the hidden gems, the ‘off beat’ or ‘off the beaten path’ books, maybe even those whose hype has faded. In any event, if you’re just looking for good read then here is Glen’s list of Totally Awesome Books You Should Be Reading in February if You’re Recognizing Black History Month or Just Want a Good Book by a Black Author:

Book of Night Women                                                                                                                                  Marlon James

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Emperor’s Babe, The 
Bernadine Evaristo

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Sisters and Manco’s Stories
Jan Carew

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Ya Ya Surfeit: Mellonie Boy Dancing On Me Head
Chadd Cumberbatch

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Lilith’s Brood
Octavia Butler

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Trust the Darkness: My Life As A Writer
Anthony C. Winkler

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In Darkness
Nick Lake

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Considering Venus
D. Gisele Isaac

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Crick Crack, Monkey
Merle Hodge

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Mr. Loverman
Bernadine Evaristo

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A Brighter Sun
Sam Selvon

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Old Story Time & Smile Orange
Trevor Rhone

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Ways of Sunlight
Sam Selvon

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Champions of the Gayelle
Alwin Bully, Zeno Constance and Pat Cumper

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Salt Roads
Nalo Hopkinson

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Discovering Pokemon in Antigua and Barbuda

I cannot begin without admitting/proclaiming “I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was!” and who didn’t after picking up a Pokemon game whatever the generation. At some point, even for a little bit, every player wondered how it would feel to live in a world with Pokemon just like the game. To “travel across the land, searching far and wide,” (I can already imagine some readers saying: Is this guy really quoting the Pokemon theme song? …Yes. Yes I am.) And that opening theme song for the anime only served to hype you up even more! So it is no surprise when Nintendo released the Pokemon GO app it became an instant hit becoming the number 1 mobile game, if not THE number 1 game in the world right now. People all over the world are going outside and exploring their world searching for Pokemon. Pokemon GO is a mobile game that incorporates Augmented Reality and GPS navigation. Through the game’s interface you navigate your surroundings searching for Pokemon that may show up in random locations. You catch them, train them, evolve them and make them stronger to do battle against other trainers.

With the news of Pokemon activities and sightings flooding social media, we Pokemon trainers, young and not so old, began to wonder if Pokemon inna Antigua? YES, they are! News of Snorlax found in woman’s bathtub in Old Road; The Museum being a highly sought after and contested Pokemon Gym; Sightings of Pidgey, Polliwag, Rattata, Ekans and Eevee around Redcliffe and Heritage Quay, the General Post Office, Corn Alley Memorial, Sir Vivian Richards Stadium to name a few started to spread quickly. I was hesitant at first, what with all the YouTube videos of zombie-like trainers flooding Central Park in search of a rare Pokemon, news of vehicle on people violence, persons being lured into unsavory locations, muggings and the less dramatic: walking into walls, I reasoned that this was a particular brand of nonsense I need not be a part of…until my brain brought up that theme song repeatedly in my head and I figured: Why not. Its just an app I can delete if not impressed.

Excitement barely contained despite my best efforts I downloaded and installed the game. Anxiously going through the loading, then the tutorial and character creation, the thrill of choosing my starter Pokemon Charmander Screenshot_2016-07-20-07-38-01

out of pure nostalgia and then…nothing.


You would think living out in the country one would be surrounded by Pokemon wildlife.

Meanwhile my Whatsapp was pinging with messages from friends having a merry time. I had to wait a few days until I could go to St. John’s. So wait I did. And it was worth it.

Stepping off the bus at West Bus Station in St, Johns, my phone was immediately abuzz. the locator was showing silhouettes of Pokemon nearby! What do I do? How do I find them? How do I capture them? Somebody help me! Nope. I was alone. Standing in the station, backpack on, rocking comfortable sneaks and a white shirt to reflect the wonderful heat of Antigua’s own unique brand of sunshine I was feeling a bit foolish and very self conscious. Lets be honest, folks in the States were accustomed to wierdos and minding their own business and getting lost in the mass of people. Here in the 268 we’re all too accustomed to people minding OUR business and judging silently or often times vocally: ‘Ah wha di joke ya, ah Pokemon him ah play, chupidness dat, ah joke him ah mek ‘ and other such words of encouragement. Needless to say I was excited! Unlike the empty wilderness of where I live, St John’s was alive. Pokestops (public spaces/landmarks where one might discover useful items and Pokemon),


and Pokemon gyms (public spaces, building where trainers claim and do battle for their team’s prestige)


St. John’s Museum Poke Gym

I soon discovered the burgeoning culture, a Pokemon Underground if you will. As I wandered from Pokestop to Pokestop, learning as I went, catching Pokemon I first met on my Nintendo Gameboy Color playing Pokemon Silver, I began to meet other trainers, not unlike real life birds, migrating from stop to stop in groups of 2 or more. Some I knew to be longtime gamers, others I knew but never pegged them as the Pokemon type, complete strangers and all of them helpful, polite and just having good natured fun. Even people whom I’ve had rows with in the past, all was forgotten on that trail to ‘Catch ’em all’. I began to learn the signals and posture of the trainers, especially the solo player trying to camouflage on the corner of Market and St. Mary’s. I too adopted this in the attempt to appear inconspicuous. I gave it up eventually as I spent more time socialising, comparing catches and repping our teams


At level 5, you are prompted to pick a team, like school houses you have to pick one. Guess which one I’m in.

and realised it is a waste of time and energy. There’s a lot of fun involved, a lot of positives too: you have people on the move walking trying to hatch eggs and catching Pokemon, socializing face to face, learning their city, and villages, learning and identifying landmarks and much more while having a great time. Yet with all the fun let us be mindful of potential risk and danger as we’ve heard in these stories online. Yes, meeting new people and seeing new places is awesome, but always be mindful of your surroundings, train and have your adventure in groups even more so if you absolutely have to go out at night (yes different pokemon come out at various times of the day).

I went to town just to handle some business and play test the game, it was only meant to be a 2 hour run, a 2 hour run! 9 hours later I finally made it home.

Join the conversation on Facebook: Pokemon GO Antigua 268.

Multitasker’s Guide to Summoner’s War

Multitasker’s Guide to Summoner’s War v1.0

The purpose of this guide is to help players   make the most out of their time, and to be more efficient. This is not an In-Depth Guide.

Motto: Stay Focused

This guide is going to assume you’ve obtained or completed certain things. If you have not, it’s OK, you can get them eventually, just utilise the information that’s applicable to you. That being said, here’s a checklist of requirements:

Requirements Checklist:
I) Shannon (Wind Pixie) Unknown Scroll
II) Bernard (Wind Griffin) Tamor Desert 
III) Belladeon (Light Inugami) Light Dungeon 
IV) Konamiya (Water Garuda) Unknown Scroll
V) Completed Chiruka Ruins scenario easy
VI) Crystal Mine & Giant
VII) All 3 XP Buildings

Summoners War is a fun game but it’s also quite challenging particularly if you’re playing for free (F2P). In order to see real progress you have to be Focused: set your goal and stick to it to completion, determined: have the will to see it through and disciplined: stick to your rules, your regiment, do not lax. Before we proceed there are certain things that I would like you to clear from your mind. Forget about all the 6* monsters everybody else got and how little you have. Forget about the Nat 5’s. Forget about all the wonderful monsters everybody else but you got. This game is about teams and runes. All monsters are good it’s just how you rune them  and how you use them.

Farming and Grinding:

Summoners War (SW) is a grind fest. Everything revolves around your ability to farm and grind. It is vital that you build up your farming team first. Your farming team should consist of the following: A healer, a beneficial effect remover, a negative effect remover, an attacker. Examples of standard farmable units that are staples in farming/grinding teams are: Shannon, Megan, Bernard, Konamiya, Belladeon, Seiq/Roaq. These units tend to form the basis from which other teams evolve (Giants team, Dragons team, Trial of Ascension, Elements/Essence dungeons etc)

Core Monsters Synopsis
This relates to the staples listed above

Shannon is the awakened form of the wind pixie. Usually runed with despair to add stun element to her AoE skill. Shannon provides atk and def boost to your team (+50%) while reducing your opponent atk speed and placing Glancing Hit (dmg reduction). Shannon can be obtained through Unknown Scrolls and Friend Summons. Shannon is a support monster so you want to make sure that her speed is high

Bernard is the Wind Griffin and can be obtained from Unknown Scrolls, Mystic Scrolls, Friend Summons or Tamor Desert drop. Bernard increases your party atk speed and atk bar. He also breaks your opponent monster atk and def (-50%). Generally runed with Swift runes to maximise on his speed.

Light Inugami generally found as a secret dungeon within the Light dungeon. Belladeon AoE heals and increase team atk bar, she also removes all beneficial effects an enemy and def break (-50%)

Water Garuda. Removes all negative effects from all allies and heals 15% for each effect removed. Completely fills target ally atk bar and atk boost for 1 turn. Stuns target enemy. Drops from Unknown Scrolls.

NB: When building your team, bear in mind each unit plays a specific role and must be able to fulfill that role effectively and efficiently.


Runes are the foundation on which this game is built. They are everything! No matter the monster, your monster will be crap if your runes are crap.

Monsters have 6 slots for runes numbered 1-6. Runes grade from 1 star to 6 star, with rarity normal (white), magic(green), epic(purple), and legendary(orange). Runes are often referred to by their slot number. Runes 1,3 & 5 have static/flat main stats. 1=Atk, 3=def and 5=Hp. 2,4 & 6 has the most variations. These runes are the ones referenced when talking about builds. Unless it’s the spd stat, you always want a %stat in those runes whether it’s main or sub-stat. How a monster is runed is dependent on its type, it’s role/function in your team and it’s skill requirements. Ideally you’re gonna want the highest possible grade of runes on your monsters and should be no less than +9.

NB: general runing rules: supporters should be fast in order to get in the beneficial effects and heals early. Spd upward of 160 to 200. Attackers should hit hard 15k – 30k and upwards. Atk% crit% crit dmg% stats help up damage. Crit rate should be 60-100%, crit dmg 100%-200%. Debuffers aka the monsters who place negative effects like atk break, slow, def break, continuous dmg need accuracy. Focus runes are a good start, and acc% in slot 6.

The Regiment
As I mentioned previously, you need to be focused, determined and disciplined. Often times you will find yourself short on mana, short on energy and short on crystals. This is usually due to recklessness and impatience. Also you may not have a lot of time on your hands to play. This is solved by creating a regiment and sticking to it. A regiment is simply setting goals and creating a series of activities that will help you achieve them. Generally to see quicker results one can only focus on one particular thing whilst others are neglected eg: focusing on 6*, or runes, or awakening.

Guide Objectives:
– high mana 1M+
– crystal management, steady supply
– Arena point management 
– establishment of fodder system 
– essence farming 
– Rune Farming 
– powering up runes
– leveling monsters 
– farming Rainbowmon 
– farming Devilmon

Multitasker’s Regiment

NB: This regiment assumes that you’ve obtained or completed certain achievements and that you can only play twice a day on full energy.

First Run:
-Collect all available mana and crystals from buildings on your island: mana tree, crystal giant etc.

-Level up all the monsters that need level up in your xp buildings. Those buildings should be filled with monsters that you intend to use for fodder and/or fusion material monsters (any xp gained is xp more than you had before).

-do your daily wish.

-do your guild battles if you’re in a guild and if you do daily battles to collect your guild points. You get points for every fight you win even if your guild loses the battle.

-Arena. Fight all available rivals. Rivals give you arena points and crystals! Now move on to the other challengers in arena to use up all your current arena wings. Refresh often to find beatable opponents and rack up those arena points. Gains: mana, crystals, Arena points.

-fight World Boss once! Fighting world boss once a day each week gives you mana, runes, essences and 10~30+ crystals when defeated. Gains: mana, runes, essences, Dailies.

– Fight Giant’s Bxx once with a friend. Here the real multitasking begins. You enter which ever level that’s the highest you can manage with a friend so you’re tackling 2 daily requirements* in one go. You have a chance to get mana both in drops and sale of unwanted runes. Also you have a chance of getting a good useful rune (low impact rune farming). Gains: mana, runes, xp, Dailies.

-Fight Dragon’s Bxx with a friend once. Same as with Giants. Mana, Runes, xp, Dailies.

-fight Magic dungeon with a friend once. Gains: mana, Essence, xp, Dailies.

-fight element dungeon with a friend once. Gains: mana, essence, xp, dailies.

-collect hearts from from friend list (recommend full friend list). Gains: summoning points, dailies.

-collect hearts from gift box. If you have energy in gift box use only those that expires in 1 day or less.

-summon 15 times from friendship summoning points (hearts) and unknown scrolls starting with the hearts and concluding with the unknown scrolls. Add an additional summon for each ‘lightning’. If you don’t have enough for 15 summons, then summon all you can. Gains: fodder material, dailies.

-feed 15 1* & 2* to one of your fodder monsters. Preferably one that is gaining xp from the xp buildings. More on that in the Fodder System section. Gains: xp, dailies.

-select one rune on one monster that you’re building, power up that rune 3 times only. If it fails all 3 times that’s OK. See Power Up section for more info. Gains: dailies, saving mana.

-at this point you should have fulfilled your daily requirements, go collect your rewards. Gains: xp, mana

With the remaining energy, you’re free to do what you will: farming, grinding etc.

Second Run:
-fight challengers in arena, do your revenges if you’re able. Do not fight rivals on the second run. Gains: arena points

-fight guild battles if this is applicable.

-use up the remaining energy how you see fit: farming and/or level grinding

Save your crystals for summoning packs, preferably the 750 pack. This you’re going to want primarily to keep the fodder machine going. If you get lightning, take a moment to rejoice and toss that 4*/5* in storage until you’re done with your main team unless it’s something that will add to the synergy of the team. Use crystals for energy only if you’re trying to squeeze the most out of xp boost.

Set a minimum amount of mana you are allowed to maintain on hand and slowly increase it. It’s easy to get tempted and splurge. This is where discipline comes in. Stay focused. That minimum is so that you have sufficient funds in case of emergencies so you won’t have to use your Prescious crystals. Start small, set your minimum at 100k, then 250k, then 500k and increase it by 500k as you build up gradually.

Rainbowmon are used for evolving your monsters. They come max level so they can be evolved immediately. 2* rainbowmon drop in Cairos. You can also purchase 4* rainbowmon in Guild shop once a week if you’re active in Guild battle. I recommend that you buy one every week.

Devilmon are used to upgrade a random skill on the monster it is used on. You can purchase one a week in the special store using arena points. I recommend buy one every week.

Fodder System
This machine has a lot of moving parts and can be daunting initially, but once you get it going it churns out results like clock work. It starts by identifying the monsters you’re gonna build, whether it’s your farming team, arena team or whatever. Your goal is to get that team maxed out: 6*, level 40, awakened with all +12 or higher runes etc. Once you have your team and your goal you’re going to want to select the order in which you’re going to max your monsters. Place 3* and 2* monsters in your xp buildings. Feed them 1* and 2* monsters until they’re 3* level 20 (remember the ‘feed 15 monsters to 1 monster in the xp building? That’s it right there. So once a day one of these lucky bastards get a breakfast of 15 monsters until it’s a 3* that’s level 20). Once a fodder reaches 3* lvl 20, it is removed from the xp building and receives no more feedings, fill the now vacant spot with a new 2* or 3*. It is then taken to your favourite scenario along with another one of your strong monsters (most likely one you’re trying to get to 35 if it’s 5* or 40 if it’s 6*. If it’s maxed already it’s OK but it’s all about multitasking) and a friend. The energy used of course is what’s left after your dailies in the first run, and the second run. You do this until it’s 3* level 25. At this point you evolve it using any three 3* that’s not in an xp building (like that 2* rainbowmon you just evolved). Now you have a 4*! Save those 4* until you have enough to evolve a 4* of your choice. Remember those 4* rainbowmon you’ve been buying every week? You can now evolve them and save them until you can evolve a 5* of your choice. Congratulations you can now make a 6*! Now rinse and repeat.

Power Up Runes
Once you’ve amassed at least 500k above your minimum, select one monster that you’re building and upgrade all its runes to +9 then stop. Upgrading beyond +9 follow the instructions stated above. 3 upgrades a day on 1 rune. This is where patience comes into play and it will save you lots of mana. If you try to upgrade all at once RNG will decrease your success rate and drain your mana. We don’t want that. Stay focused!

As your account levels up, your shop will look better. Check the shop at least twice a day. If you stuck to the regiment you should have increased your spending power. Buy any Mystic scrolls you see. And buy any good 5* or 6* rune you see. It’s best to limit yourself to buying specific runes. I generally only buy Despair, Violent or Vampire runes with the stats I need. Do not buy normal (white) runes, you can’t tell what the sub stats will be and you don’t want to waste your mana on a crap rune.

Leveling Up. 
Use every opportunity to level up your monsters. It’s all part of multitasking. Find ways to fit in that one monster you’re focused on in your grind, in your farming, in your dailies, in whatever. You will see results.

In conclusion, in the beginning it’s going to seem tedious and that you’re not making progress fast enough, but this game requires Focus, patience, determination and discipline. Stick with it! Of course you’re free to adjust this guide to suit your needs or your style just remember: Focus, Patience, Determination and Discipline.


Life Lesson Learnt From Shopping Like White People

Last few weeks I’ve witnessed people going through shit. All sorts of shit but mostly relationship shit and friendship shit, and those people get all caught up in the emotional and the mental…not a pretty sight. Sleep is lost, food not eaten, stalking, high blood pressure, screw face, sighing, crying, it goes on.

One thing I noticed was that whenever their mouth opened all that came up was the other person. Oh she went and did this. Oh he said that. Oh she had the nerve to go there. Oh he keep doing this. Why he talking to her. Why she not answering. You know he with his friend? I haven’t seen her in so long. How he can say that and then say this…

What does this have to do with learning a lesson from shopping like white people? Well its not specifically white people, I should have said ‘like Americans’ but you get the drift unless you’re one of those people. I’ll, however, just keep using ‘white people’ instead ’cause it fits better. You see what I noticed about white people is that when they shop they have a strong sense of worth both in the value of their hard earned dollar and in themselves. ee’ coulda quart fu de subben dem expek fi get dem subben and in damn good condition too an pon time. If one ding pon um ee ah goo back an best believe dem expek full refund of dat quart dey. Why? Because they are worth it. Fullstop. Most time we nuh even business: jus a likkle ding man. Chupz ah just one quart you ah get arn so fa?

And there we see the difference. And it’s a lesson well learnt. I am worth it! I am number one! Make every word that proceed out of your mouth about you, not the generator of the negative vibe. Be narcissistic if you have to. That person cannot be number one in their world and still be number one in yours. Nuttin tal can go so. Demand your refund because your quart is plenty, especially in these hard economic times; in these hard emotional times you are number one because just like Lauréal, you are worth it!

…. Unless you like misery, in which case keep from me cause misery like company and I ain’t about that life.


Shouting in the Wind

Sometimes I wonder: What the hell is the point? It feels as if we’re just battling against overwhelming forces. We constantly hear: You matter; Your voice matters; Your vote matters; fight for your rights and beliefs. Yet still it feels as if we just shouting in the wind. That all we are allowed is a brief shout before the steamroller start up.

I usually try to just keep out of things, to block out the events of this world on pain of falling into a great disastrous internal great depression and wig-out like one of those white kids you see on CNN. One example of shouting in the wind is this hike in Social Security and Medical Benefit. I have no in-depth knowledge  on the matter but I’ve been following the papers and listening to talk on the street which only served in raising my blood pressure and killing my vibe.

As talk would have it the fault lies in mismanagement and incompetence. The solution: dig deeper into the people’s wallets (It seems there is no other way). Not surprisingly people were up in arms. The usual grumbling, vex face, chupsing and complaining. People let their voices be heard. Talk of unfairness and breaking camel back was abound. The media did a job of airing out both sides of this issue. Add on top of that the increase in the water bill. So our lives are being reduced to ‘Biting the Bullet’, ‘Tighten Your Belt’ and ‘Structural Adjustments’.

So now we’re just shouting in the wind. Our voices were heard (we hope) yet the thing that was proposed as a ‘maybe’ (as if it was open to debate and an alternative would be looked into with earnest) became a certainty in no time flat. So whats the point? Why make noise? What is it going to take to get a little ease? It just feels as if the powers that be just don’t take us seriously. Its as if they know all we’re going to do is grumble and hiss and chups then chew on a healthy dose of bullets. You know, I do have to tighten my belt, but its not to bear no strain.

Fires well spent: A review of “Ashes: A Broken Inception”

The thin, flat, little black book sat unassumingly on the shelf. It hardly made the effort to capture my attention. Maybe because it was the new kid on the block stuck between other glossy peacocks or maybe it was the hard to distinguish title, a title that said, whoever composed what lay between the unassuming covers traversed the same mental space I did. Yeah, that was it, the title. I read the title, snickered and then delved between the covers.

It was a trip!

Sadly all I have is a brainfull of over used words to explain to you the psychedelic, emotional, visual, sensational trip, so I’ll use them







ASHES was supposed to be just another poetry book, but It wasn’t, at least for me. It kept playing with my OCD. (Ok I’m segueing here, get back on track Glen, follow the notes)

Ok, according the notes I made during my second reading for the purpose of this poor attempt at a review, ASHES is a work of Art. It is very much evident by page 2 that this is, yet isn’t, your usual poetry book. I was hooked by page 1, I was following this person, breathing in the air with them, taking in the sight, absorbing the mood all in a matter of seconds. As I skim through the book even now it is reinforced.

(Notes continue) The inside is so unlike the outside (#don’tjudgebookbycover). ASHES is vibrant and pulsates with an alternating rhythm and pace with storytelling that ensnares you like a siren reeling you into its depths and you turn the page looking for air and you’re caught in the firm grip of the poetry.

There! That right there! Tripping, tossed, carried, flowed (whatever verb and adjective works for you) between poetry and storytelling is the most outstanding feature of ASHES. The poetry and the storytelling played intermission for each other. You cannot (well I could not) ignore one for the other, they complimented each other well whether by accident or design, providing a beautiful counterpoint.

I know the way I’ve been going on it seems like I stumbled across the greatest work since the Illyad, that’s not it. I’m simply trying to convey, as best I can, my feelings and experiences with this book.

In conclusion, ASHES: A Broken Inception by Olsfred James, Gloreen Lake, and Mikhail Simmons is fresh, funky and sensuous. I enjoyed every line, every word. I read it and I ‘get it’. I love the space its in.

Pink Shirts and Tight Pants pt1: The Pink Shirt

Despite your thoughts, views and feelings on the matter, we’ve always associated certain styles and colours with gender. It’s so ingrained that you have to make a conscious effort to be nonchalant or objective whenever you see something that breaks the stereotype. And of course for some people it grinds their gears when a person turns to their child and say “Blue is for boys and pink is for girls!” Love it or hate it, that’s the juice we grew up on.

Needless to say I wasn’t reeaadyyy, to quote Kevin Hart (I love that line) for the pink men shirts. I wasn’t totally surprised given the nature of fashion anything is possible, but it still gave me a jaw tap but I rolled with it. I watched the pink shirt spread from the workplace to the lime place and despite the fact that some guys pulled it off, me being me had to crack my offhand jokes.

I would have let it slide but the pink shirt didn’t want to. It’s when people started defending the pink shirt like it needed justification that I really started paying attention to the talks which got worse when people’s hackles began raising and I like many others were challenged. So in the blink of an eye it went from “Pink is for girls!” to “Real badman wear pink!“….. Hmmm… Ok boss. Then it was:” Only men that sure of their masculinity and are secure about their sexuality rock pink” and let’s not forget the accusing question “Why you nuh hab no pink shut inna you closet, wha happen, you fraid?” I’m sorry but Roma is my grandmother so when I reach my limit of ignorance I bite back, getting a little ‘ignant’ myself ignoring the high road.

So then the issue was not the colour of the shirt but the people wearing it. Why was there a need to become so defensive, so aggressive? After all, clothes is clothes, colour is colour right? Unless you’re in a gang and looking to be merc’d (that’s slang for killed btw…. Am I rambling? I feel like I am). In my limited understanding of humans we tend to get aggressive, offensive and defensive about things that are at the time, controversial or questionable, in our quest for validation or to validate the thing.

So after all this, and after all is said and done and I see you all dapper in your pink shirt asking me these pointed questions MY question now becomes “so what you really hiding behind that pink shirt?”

Dr. Kill ‘an Cure

Every now and again I contemplate my life; I ponder great things: of the universe, of mankind, of life of why am I so damned obsessed with chocolate….it goes on into infinity. However, every now and again I browse through my memories, memories that are sometimes triggered by a random word or sight. What I came to realize was that all memories of my grandfather were fond. One such series of memories were triggered after reading some text messages where my mom, Jackie, was dispensing health advice. Dr. KillnCure I texted with a chuckle.

You see, my grandfather, Major (MAH-jor), was the previous possessor of that title, and truth be told I think he was proud of it eh. Where he got that name? Who give him? What it mean? Ok I go tell you. First off you need to understand the different ‘Believe’. Now-a-days people Believe or Have Strong Belief; But them people back then BELIIIEEEEVVVEEE-UH….the difference? Beliieevvveee-uh was stronger that mere ‘Have strong belief’

My grandmother, Mama aka Ma Roma, was the first person I heard referring to Major as Dr. Kill’an’Cure. She would sniff “hmmph, Dr. Kill’an’Cure” with sing-song sarcasm “si ou pas mor’, ou kay cure’ (if you dont die then you’re cured) was her replies to his remedies of which, to my knowledge he only had ONE: Iodex mixed with salt! (insert ‘uhg’ emoji).



and his tag line was “Anni foota’y Iodex ah chu’i” (Just slap it with Iodex in it ass). The “It” was whatever was ailing you and I mean WHATEVER. Headache? foota’y Iodex; Sprain? foota’y Iodex Stomach ache? foota’y Iodex hard lick?foota’y Iodex  A fall? foota’y Iodex Insomnia?foota’y Iodex Fever? foota’y Iodex Bust toe? foota’y Iodex Arthritis? foota’y Iodex Rash? foota’y Iodex, you get the gist. There was nothing this wonder drug couldn’t heal. I can’t tell you what the hell in Iodex but I can tell you its black and stinks and Major was never happy unless he mix in salt. Needless to say mama had her own, gentler remedies, but for Major, Iodex was the beginning and the end, he had as much faith in Iodex as he had in God and the Virgin Mary and if Iodex can’t save you well you “suck salt” as the saying goes.